Roni Loren's Reviews > Story Trumps Structure: How to Write Unforgettable Fiction by Breaking the Rules

Story Trumps Structure by Steven James
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it was amazing
bookshelves: on-writing, non-fiction

Finally, a book for pantsers! And not just one that mentions pantsing but validates the process as a legitimate (he even ventures to say superior) process of writing. I have long been a pantser with plotter envy because it seems like every book on writing I read talks about "organic" writing as the immature/impatient process and plotting as the panacea, the "professional" way. Of course, that always makes plotting sound like this lovely method that is going to take away the constant anxiety of working in the unknown and the pitfalls that come along with that (writer's block, chasing bunny trails, rereading your previous pages constantly to get back into the mindset, etc.). But after reading this, I feel like I can take a deep breath and find a place of acceptance with my pantsing ways. Yes, my method causes me anxiety, but it's also been a successful one for me, so why am I always trying to change it?

And with this book, there are methods that may even help with the anxiety involved in "flying into the mist" when writing. There are questions to ask when you get stuck or come across a plot problem. There are guidelines on what needs to be clear in each scene and how to keep the tension up. There are pointers on how to include twists. And some of the character stuff--questions to ask about their secrets, shame, fears, etc--was brilliant.

I have five pages of notes from the book and put sticky flags on way too many pages because there was too much great stuff to hold in my head all at once. I'm kind of a junkie when it comes to books on writing and can be hard to please, but I have no qualms giving this one five stars. I know I'll be referencing it often.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
June 1, 2014 – Shelved
June 1, 2014 – Shelved as: on-writing
June 1, 2014 – Finished Reading
July 3, 2018 – Shelved as: non-fiction

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message 1: by L.E. (new)

L.E. Chamberlin I am a pantser through and through and have been waiting for an author who speaks to the way I think and write rather than grudgingly acknowledging that some people are pantsers but there really is a "better" way. The reviews give me hope, especially yours, because I'm a fan of your writing and knowing you're a pantser and this book helped you gives me faith. Thanks!

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