Devon Clark's Reviews > The Hidden Kingdom

The Hidden Kingdom by Tui T. Sutherland
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it was amazing
bookshelves: term-3

** spoiler alert ** The Hidden Kingdom is the third book in the Wings of Fire series. The book follows Glory who with her friends; Tsunami, Sunny, Clay, and Starflight, are trying to find the Rainforest Kingdom that is hidden deep within the Rainforests of Pyrrhia. They are trying to help their former guardian, Webs, who has been badly poisoned by enemy dragons. On their journey in the rainforest they soon discover that bad things are happening when they over hear patrolling Mudwing solders talking about dead bodies they have found and that it is being caused by a monster. Once they finally get to the Rainforest Kingdom they are told that Rainwings have been going missing without any reason. They figure that it must be the monster that the Mudwings were talking about, so in order to keep the Rainwings safe they try to locate the monster. What will happen when they find the monster? Read the Hidden Kingdom to find out. This books genre is fantasy and it was a really good, but not as good the first book in the series but it was better than the second book. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy books.
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May 3, 2014 – Finished Reading
May 4, 2014 – Shelved
May 4, 2014 – Shelved as: term-3

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Jillian Arnold Love this

Rajan Patel you encouraged me to read this book even more thank you


message 5: by Emelina (new)

Emelina This is an amazing series

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