Villate's Reviews > Freedom's Landing

Freedom's Landing by Anne McCaffrey
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it was ok

** spoiler alert ** This is the first Anne McCaffrey book I've ever read, and I'm sorry to say that based just on this one, I don't think she is a very good writer. I am interested in the story and want to know what happens, but some of the dialogue and writing made me cringe. For example, some of Kris' interior dialogue seems phony - "Whoa Kris girl" and things like that. I was also annoyed by how everything is great on Botany except for the easily avoided dangers: the animals are all delicious, the plants "tasty," and everything so very easy to fix and/or figure out by just a few conveniently inserted plot contrivances, I mean "experts." And they can all run, carry, climb, move around, etc. with only a mention of being tired or immediately dropping off to sleep at the appropriate time. Some of the characters' emotional responses seem mixed up as well, such as Patti Sue, who has evidently been severely traumatized but within a few days has apparently gotten over it enough to lay a claim on a man in the "colony" (and then disappears from the story, apparently) or Mitford thinking to himself that he "might fancy" Kris - a woman apparently half his age or even less. Come on! And everyone seems to shift from one emotion (usually annoyance with something someone else has said) to another in seconds. The inter-species love affair kind of skeeved me out, too. Of course the sex is fantastic - just like everything else. *rolls eyes* If I had been kidnapped by aliens and dumped with hundreds of fellow slaves on a supposedly uninhabited planet and left to fend for myself with nothing more than some rudimentary clothing and a knife, the last thing I would be thinking about is how I can hook up with some male. Hmm, maybe I disliked this book more than I initially thought I did. I may eventually read some more later, but I'm not in any hurry.
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message 1: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Bowman Don't bother to read more. I loved Anne McCaffrey's Pern books when I was growing up, but found these to be horribly written and boring. Like you said, everything seems to work out fantastically without much effort on their part. Is this the book where they're required to have a child by different people to mix up the gene pool? If it is, the solution to her conundrum is...laughable and so frighteningly convenient, just like everything else in this book. If this isn't that book, well...let's just say it's reason not to read any more.

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