Melonie's Reviews > Drowning Ruth

Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz
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's review

it was ok

I read this book a few years ago and forgot everything. Now that I've reread it for bookgroup, I can see why I forgot. The characters bore me. They have no characteristics that surprise, delight, or inspire. The only reason I kept reading is to find out how Ruth drowned. Ruth turns out to be just as woosie as her Aunt Amanda. Her father is a woose too. The only one with any character (Mattie) is dead, so that should tell you something. And we know who Imogene is the first time she wants that blue marble...Anyway, I gave it two stars because the writing is tolerable and she kept the "big secret" of how Mattie drowned until the end. Kudos for that, at least.
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January 28, 2010 – Shelved

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message 1: by Laura (new)

Laura C. I know - sometimes I wonder about those Oprah's book cloub selections - its like they are often the same thing over and over.

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