Elizabeth Allen's Reviews > She's My Dad

She's My Dad by Iolanthe Woulff
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it was amazing

Rollercoaster +Classic Theme of Good Versus Evil = One Helluva Ride!

In this review I will not expound on details of the plot nor the author herself, but rather how spectacular this literary experience was for me. “She’s My Dad” is a beehive – alive and buzzing with nary a moment of stillness, except perhaps to catch your breath. I would definitely compare the brilliant and relentless pace to that of a rollercoaster. What makes a rollercoaster ride great? No matter how tense, white-knuckled and sometimes dizzy it makes you, the fundamental thrill compels your inner child to holler “I want to go again!” This debut novel possesses that fundamental thrill.
Filled with incidental gems and memorable yet disposable characters – look for Norris Budge – Ms. Woulff expertly weaves a complex fabric of diverse personalities, moral conflict, subplots, suspense, humor, prejudice, and hope—and she does so seamlessly.
I felt at times as if I was reading a classic tragedy akin to Shakespeare or Marlowe had it not been for the contemporary vernacular. The ageless theme of good versus evil prevails and I will not spoil this page-turning novel by divulging which triumphs, but in the words of the Bard, “all are punished.” This rich story is over endowed with unpredictable and often disturbing twists which will keep you guessing until the very end (even if you were the one person who guessed “The Sixth Sense” from the onset).
The dimensions of the main characters are very rigid –the good were very very good, so good in fact I wouldn’t believe they could harm a fly, and the bad were horrible with no veiled secrets from their tortured pasts giving them even the most remote sympathetic edge. Of course, these diametrically opposed energies make up the foundation of classic tragedy and in this instance, they work perfectly.
Ms. Woulff willingly discloses that her father is Pulitzer Prize- winning author Herman Wouk which might give some pause as to the legitimacy of her own talent versus success-by-association. Allow me to say her father should be swollen with pride; in this case, the brilliant writing trait did not skip a generation.

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Reading Progress

January 17, 2010 – Started Reading
January 17, 2010 – Shelved
January 17, 2010 –
page 85
January 23, 2010 –
page 120
January 31, 2010 –
page 155
February 19, 2010 –
page 203
March 1, 2010 –
page 251
March 17, 2010 –
page 305
April 1, 2010 –
page 346
April 4, 2010 – Finished Reading

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