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Michael 's Reviews > The Family We're Born With

The Family We're Born With by Kaje Harper
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This is a story of acceptance, or possibly of rejection. It is a story of attitudes and opinions and how they can change over time or stay frozen in the ice of ignorance. This story is short and easy to read. But there are many stories in many families that never have a happy ending. Too many people are held captive by the teachings of the families they are born with, the religion they are born with, and the society they are born into.

This story happens to be about homosexuality, but the same plot lines can be built around any subject or human condition that is difficult for some people to deal with successfully.

Someone I love very much is gay. When I say "someone I love very much" should and does mean that I accept everything about the person. How could I profess love and then attach conditions on that love? Can love mean "I will love you only if you are just what I want you to be?" Hell no. Real love has no conditions.

You may ask if I were born thinking this way. The honest answer is no. I am a product of life experiences, education, and a willingness to be flexible in what I believe and accept. You probably know that I'm not too religious, which in this regard I see as an advantage. I seek balance in all things in my life, and I always ask the "great spirit" for wisdom and understanding. With that comes the desire to love and be loved without conditions.....Michael
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Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Pete (new)

Pete daPixie You probably know that I'm not too religious
I always ask the "great spirit" for wisdom and understanding.
You're a holy man Michael!

message 2: by Michael (last edited Jan 11, 2014 08:46AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Michael I don't feel bound by the dictates of any religion, yet I refuse to be atheist. I HOPE to unite with a "great spirit" when my earth journey is finished. I do pray through meditation and during my balance exercises. I do pray for others by what I call sending out positive vibrations. I do refer to 'god' as the "great spirit" because I know of no other way. Religions have tried to define that spirit, but they have defined it in so many different ways, and each insist that their way is the correct way. How can they all be correct when they are so very different. When I leave this world, I HOPE to find that spirit. If there is nothing beyond this life, it won't matter....Michael

Brian Good review Michael, and I agree with about love not having conditions :)

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