Maryse's Reviews > Beautiful Wreck

Beautiful Wreck by Larissa Brown
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it was ok


i gave this book 2 stars which kind of makes me sad. there were just so many problems with it.

what i liked about it? i really liked the characters. Ginn and Heirik's love story is lovely. i'm pretty sure i wouldn't go back 1,000 years for a man - i like indoor plumbing, non-dirt floors and ibuprofen. but i believed their story. that was the good part.

what i didn't like about it.

the beginning, when she's in the future was wackadoo. i kept having to reread those sections over and over again because i couldn't follow it. i'm still not entirely sure what was going on but it was between pushing through or giving up and i just pushed through. if someone can explain to me what the hell was going on, that would be great.

the formatting: what a mess. there were several times when it would have been nice to have some sort of section break. i'd be reading a scene and then the next paragraph, i'd be somewhere else THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PREVIOUS SCENE. it was jarring and it pissed me off. and this wasn't an isolated incident.

there were inconsistencies. is she 5 foot 5? 5 foot 3? ultimately it doesn't really matter, so why mention it at all. if the formatting hadn't been such a problem, i probably wouldn't have noticed this.

finally, the ending reminded me of the papers i used to write in highschool i used to spend so much time on the introduction, and then the body of the paper, that by the time i got to the conclusion, i was so sick of the paper that i just rushed right through it because i just wanted to be done with it. well that's what the ending felt like here. what happened to the oranges? why bother mention that she brought them with her, if she isn't going to mention them again?

so there you have it. this book could have been so much better. it's very unfortunate that it is not.

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November 26, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
November 26, 2013 – Shelved
March 16, 2014 – Started Reading
March 29, 2014 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Penny (new) - added it

Penny Reid Ah... I see. Yes. Our thoughts are similar. It's so sad because the story is great! Too bad the publisher made such a mess of it :-\

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