Virginia's Reviews > Inception

Inception by Ashley Suzanne
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Inception is a novella that follows Ashley’s first book Mirage. It tells Danny’s POV of things that happened in Mirage- How he and Mira met, about their falling in love, how he proposed to her, and what happened the night of the accident.

I really enjoyed reading Danny’s POV and reading more about these characters. They are a great group and I’ve come to enjoy Ashley’s writing a lot. The story pretty much follows along with the story as told in Mirage until the end. There’s an addition to the story that we didn’t see in Mirage. While at the hospital visiting Mira, Danny meets a girl and he starts talking to her. Then he starts thinking about her a little. Not in a sexual way at all, but still. The fact that this girl was brought into the story and that we already have is a love triangle thing going on here, makes you wonder where Ashley is going with this in the next book. It would solve the whole Mira, Skylar, Danny issue if Danny meets someone else, but it did make me think Danny was a bit of an ass for talking to another girl while Mira was upstairs in a hospital bed in a coma.

I have to say that while reading Mirage I never really became Team Danny or Team Skylar. Danny and Mira were together and I felt bad for Skylar but I didn’t really root for one of them to end up with her versus the other. After reading Inception, I am leaning towards Team Skylar. Quite a few times in Inception Danny asked Skylar for advice or help when it came to Mira- like what to buy her or things to do for her. And every time Skylar nailed it on the head. He knew exactly what Mira would want or love. He knows her so much better than Danny does and Danny needs to get a clue. In terms of Skylar and his feelings for Mira, Danny did notice things that lead him to question if Skylar has feelings for Mira. So at least he isn’t oblivious to the fact, which is good.

Inception is a great novella to accompany Mirage, giving us insight into Danny’s mind and also giving us that little added part that makes you wonder what is going to happen in Awakening. So between the big cliff hanger we were left with in Mirage and this new twist added here, I am ready to jump into Awakening.

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Reading Progress

November 8, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
November 8, 2013 – Shelved
December 18, 2013 – Started Reading
December 28, 2013 – Finished Reading

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