Duane Parker's Reviews > Jane of Lantern Hill

Jane of Lantern Hill by L.M. Montgomery
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bookshelves: 2015-book-challenge, canadian, childrens, rated-books, reviewed-books

I finished this book yesterday, Nov. 30, appropriate because it was the birthday of it's author, Lucy Maud Montgomery, born on that day 141 years ago. I have read most of her novels and a good many of her short stories, and what stands out to me was the consistent high quality of her writing, her stories and her characters. There is a similarity in all of them, a pattern, but she knew what she was doing and it worked to perfection. Her library of writing, her legacy, is still being enjoyed by readers today, and I dare say 500 years from now people will still be reading about Anne Shirley of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

But tthis book is about another character, Jane Victoria Stuart, and her comfortable but unhappy life in Toronto, living with her mother and her domineering grandmother. Jane doesn't know her father exists, but when he suddenly writes and insists that Jane be sent to spend the summer with him in Prince Edward Island, her life changes dramatically, and the stage is set for the magical story of Jane of Lantern Hill.
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Reading Progress

October 25, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
October 25, 2013 – Shelved
Started Reading
November 30, 2015 – Finished Reading
December 1, 2015 – Shelved as: 2015-book-challenge
December 1, 2015 – Shelved as: canadian
December 1, 2015 – Shelved as: childrens
December 1, 2015 – Shelved as: rated-books
December 1, 2015 – Shelved as: reviewed-books

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message 1: by Carol (new)

Carol What a neat thing to do, to read the book on the author's birthday.

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