Crista's Reviews > Fighting for You

Fighting for You by Sydney Landon
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bookshelves: 3-star, contemporary, hot, kindle, lol, series

Fighting For You is the fourth book of the Danver's series, and I can not stress enough that this is NOT a stand alone book. Fighting For You is filled with innuendos and characters from past books, and many of the nuances will be missed if you don't have the background from the previous books.

This is Declan and Ella's book. I have been looking forward to this book for some time. Ella is the shy, repressed virgin-type heroine and Declan is the bad boy turned good. He's ex-military and has returned from Afganistan with horrible nightmares and a decent case of Post Traumatic Stress.

Had I been in the right mood, I may have liked this book more than I did. The humor is raunchy and sometimes in bad taste. I did laugh out loud at some of the interactions between the girls. It reminded me of an episode of Sex in the City!! Suzy was over the top as usual, and I did get a kick out of re-visting all the previous characters with their distinct personalities.

I was pretty disappointed in the Declan/Ella romance. In previous books, Declan came across as removed from others and isolated (except with Ella). In this book, he doesn't have any of those traits. He is struggling with PTSD, we're told, but that portion of his psyche is not really explored to a high degree.

Ella was much to confident sexually to be a believable virgin, and I must say that it was hard to take this book all.

If you in the market for a good comedy, this one may be worth giving a look, but if you're looking for a satisfying romance, this one may disappoint.
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Reading Progress

October 17, 2013 – Started Reading
October 17, 2013 – Shelved
October 17, 2013 –
1.0% "Hoping this one doesn't disappoint like the last book....."
October 17, 2013 – Shelved as: 3-star
October 17, 2013 – Shelved as: contemporary
October 17, 2013 – Shelved as: kindle
October 17, 2013 – Shelved as: hot
October 17, 2013 – Shelved as: lol
October 17, 2013 – Shelved as: series
October 17, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Karla (new)

Karla Nicely done sweet Crista!

message 2: by KatLynne (new)

KatLynne As always, great review dear friend!

NaTasha Boyland Aww man, I was really looking forward to the shy sweet virgin and the hot brooding alpha!!!
I'll still keep reading the series, I'm invested in the characters now, the writing is super funny too!

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