MicheleReader's Reviews > To Die For

To Die For by David Baldacci
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Travis Devine has an impressive background, having served as an Army Ranger, worked on Wall Street, and is currently a fixer with Homeland Security. He is also trying to evade an assassin on his trail, known only as "The Girl on the Train." Devine latest assignment involves overseeing a meeting between wealthy businessman Danny Glass and his 12-year-old niece Betsy Odom. Glass, who is accused of racketeering, drug smuggling, and more awaits trial on multiple RICO charges in Washington state, is seeking custody of Betsy following the death of her parents of a supposed drug overdose. As Devine delves deeper, he suspects foul play surrounding Betsey's parents' death and finds himself knee-deep in an action-packed mission that is much more sinister than originally suspected. It is further complicated by the reappearance of "The Girl on the Train."

To Die For is the third book in David Baldacci's 6:20 Man series. I look forward to reading more as Devine is such an appealing character. He's a smart, tough, damaged man who is also sensitive. The heart of the book is his endearing relationship with Betsy Odom. The book features a great supporting cast of characters and provides a fast-paced, enjoyable read.

Rated 4.25

Review posted on MicheleReader.
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