Danielle's Reviews > Siren & Scion
Siren & Scion (Mages of the Wheel, #3)

3.5 stars
To go from 5 stars to 3.5 seems so dramatic, but the FMC was a water sign and she was just SO emotional, at times it was hard to read lol.
The world building continued as we finally got to see the Republic. This book had high stakes, but it seemed like they got out of it easily. I wasn’t a fan of Amara. Not once did she realize that she is judging Ihsan so harshly, I felt like she never gave him compassion for why his magic is now ice. Or the fact that she was using him, comparing him to Cassian wasn’t fair. She was using Ihsan for her own gain, don’t put him down just because… also, I never understood why Amara was so hesitant to use her magic. There were so many times I just wanted to say “girl if you don’t use this mf magic” Anyway, the MC weren’t my favorite but their romance was very sweet. Evans KNOWs how to write romance that is just soooo romantic.
Anyway… let’s get to Ihsan’s book :D
To go from 5 stars to 3.5 seems so dramatic, but the FMC was a water sign and she was just SO emotional, at times it was hard to read lol.
The world building continued as we finally got to see the Republic. This book had high stakes, but it seemed like they got out of it easily. I wasn’t a fan of Amara. Not once did she realize that she is judging Ihsan so harshly, I felt like she never gave him compassion for why his magic is now ice. Or the fact that she was using him, comparing him to Cassian wasn’t fair. She was using Ihsan for her own gain, don’t put him down just because… also, I never understood why Amara was so hesitant to use her magic. There were so many times I just wanted to say “girl if you don’t use this mf magic” Anyway, the MC weren’t my favorite but their romance was very sweet. Evans KNOWs how to write romance that is just soooo romantic.
Anyway… let’s get to Ihsan’s book :D
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