Lisha The Book Report's Reviews > KINGSTON

KINGSTON by M Monique
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it was amazing

KINGSTON! *swoons*

Kingston is a family man taking care of his elderly grandmother Lily and his unruly younger brother August. While taking care and looking out for his family, he is a DEA agent and somewhat of a workaholic. One day he takes his brother August to class and he spots Tiffany and immediately he is drawn to her. Tiffany is smart, focused and dedicated to her career goals. Once she crosses paths with Kingston, she immediately rejects him. Kingston doesn't give up and is determined to have her.

Okay I thought Blu was the one (he still is though😏) but Kingston brought it straight out the gate! I loved how he was unafraid to claim her and especially in front of her crazy overprotective brothers! That screams BDE and then some🥵. I loved the bond Kingston and Tiffany shared. Their love language was acts of service and it was so beautiful to see them love on each other. Tiffany was such a pure soul. She was so thoughtful, kind and caring. She's my new fave FMC. The way she loves on her family and those she cares about is everything.

This story was a real page turner. I couldn’t put it down. We were introduced to Tiffany in Uncovering Love in book 1 and I had to catch up with her! This book made me shed some tears (you've been warned lol) It was so well written, you could feel the raw and real emotions of the characters. Excited to catch up with these 2 in book 4!
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Dash Ok, so I thought Blu was the one, too! I read his book first, not realizing it was a series. Went back, read Grey, and was like ok Summers twins, I see y'all! But baybay, all through Kingston, I was tryna be Mrs. Wells! He is definitely Bae

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