Angie Miale's Reviews > Rental House

Rental House by Weike Wang
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Millennials are so whiny. This is a book about two Manhattanites who love each other very much, but also struggle with anxiety despite their privileges. Keru is a first general immigrant, coming to the US from China with her parents at age 9. Nate is a poor white kid who happened to be kind of brilliant and hard working. They meet at Yale in their senior year and start dating, then marry. It essentially explores the experience of creating a partnership and a life together despite having a different experience. Racial micro-aggressions, the decision to remain child-free, the decision that Keru will be the higher income, high powered consultant. The way they manage the relationship with their parents is very different and strained by politics.

This book has some stunningly powerful observations, it is all character development and commentary about millennial malaise, and short on plot. Again; it’s not really a story, more of a testimonial. It is in no way “heartwarming.” It’s very intelligent and well written but honestly doesn’t have a lot to say. But it’s short. If you like adjectives and generational tension, this is the book for you!! If you are a Millenial DINK living in Manhattan, you are going to feel SO seen.

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