Dani Shuping's Reviews > The Heart of Everything That Is: The Untold Story of Red Cloud, An American Legend

The Heart of Everything That Is by Bob Drury
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Sitting Bully, Crazy Horse, Geronimo...their stories have all been told. But Red Cloud, the most powerful Indian commander of the Oglala Sioux, has been lost to the times of history. Until now. In this well researched and well written book, Bob Drury and Tom Calvin have lifted the veils of time to bring Red Cloud's story to light.

So often when we read the history textbooks or hear about the history of the west, we're told how savage the Indians were. But as you dig deeper into it you discover there's a greater truth that we try to bury, that they just wanted to be free. In this book we learn about the history of Red Cloud, the only Plains Indian to defeat the US Army and one who could lay claim to 1/5 of the US. These two authors weave together a powerful story, one that's been waiting years to be told.

Native American history is one of my passions. In one way it's depressing that we've lost this culture, these lives and histories due to our own arrogance believing that we were the better and less savage group. But it gives me hope that books like this one on Red Cloud are being researched and are being published by major publishers, because people have an interest in learning the truth and that perhaps it isn't too late.

I'd highly recommend this book, whether they have an interest in history, culture, or just want to know more about this story of this great Sioux Chief. I give the book 4 out of 5 stars.
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Jennifer Dance If you have a particular interest in Native issues you may like to review my book Red Wolf, published by Dundurn, Feb 1, 2014. You can check out the pre-publication blurb on Goodreads, visit my web site at www.jenniferdance.ca
or visit my author facbook page at https://www.facebook.com

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