Lee G's Reviews > American Refuge: True Stories of the Refugee Experience

American Refuge by Diya Abdo
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's review

it was amazing

This is a stunning book. I recommend it to people who do not usually read about this subject and don't usually engage with non-fiction who want to try something new. It's well-crafted, emotionally moving, and fast-paced. I read it in one sitting and then read it again a few weeks later. Abdo weaves grief, inter-generational trauma, and the ties that bind, together into a nonlinear narration that can make your skin ache. She portrays the complex interplay between culture and people; their families, religion, communities, culture, and love. While each refugee's experiences are unique they are tangibly familiar. Eating with the people you love, visiting graves, the soap your caretaker used, saying goodbye, the weight of familial responsibility. Some chapters are more educational others feel like a poetic snapshot of people's lives. There is something to connect with here, no matter who you are.
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April 18, 2024 – Started Reading
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May 30, 2024 – Finished Reading

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