Ashley's Reviews > The Hidden Kingdom

The Hidden Kingdom by Tui T. Sutherland
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bookshelves: fantasy

And yet another gem of an addition to this awesome series! Can I just say wow! I love how every dragon has it's own unique personality. To me the characters seem well developed. Yes, I realize this is a middle grade book but let me say if me, a teenager, can really enjoy this book (and for that matter all the books in this series) then the series is definitely worth reading! I say it doesn't matter all that much if a book is in the YA section or the juvenile section in the library as long as it's a good book! And therefore, I have no qualms with reading books that are considered "middle grade" fiction. Imagination knows no bounds :) . Okay so now that we've go that out of the way let's get on to the review!

I love the excitement, the surprises, and the adventure! So far with each book I've read in the series I sympathize most with the character that's telling the story; probably because I'm inside that characters head! So far I've been "inside" Clay, Tsunami, and Glory's head. The next book is going to be told from Starflight's point of view. Now let me just say he's the dragonet of destiny that I least like. Ever since Morowseer took him to the Nightwing kingdom, he's been acting weird. I mean, weirder than normal. Really, I think that deep down, he's a good lil' dragon but he still seems might suspicious to me! So we'll just have to see how that goes. Oh, and can I just mention how much I LOVE all this horrible betrayal thing that's going on?! The whole struggle of ending the war and the question of "Who's gonna be queen of the Sandwings?" just really sparks my interest! And the fact that none of the Sandwing queens seem to be deserving of the thrown is quite a problem. I'm really excited to see how that turns out! And HM. I really am just going on and on about this aren't I! I promise, no matter what age you are you'll absolutely love this series! I'd recommend this series to anyone! Well.....except for really little kids. Okay then, little kids. And ADULTS. Hey, they can totally stick to their philosophical books. And there health books. And their weird/violent mystery books. And really any other kind of books that adults read. Unless of course, they happen to have an awesome imagination. Then they'll find that they love the books just as much as us "kids" do!
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Reading Progress

June 14, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
June 14, 2013 – Shelved
June 25, 2013 – Started Reading
June 25, 2013 –
page 12
3.57% "Yay! I've been waiting to read this for a long time. I'm excited! :D"
June 26, 2013 – Shelved as: fantasy
June 26, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Andrew (new)

Andrew "Oh, and can I just mention how much I LOVE all this horrible betrayal thing that's going on?!"

This was funny. I agree completely.

Lucas Schweitzer I agree

Eleanor I agree. I don’t care what age books are for. Well, unless they’re too old for me.

message 4: by Alyssa (new)

Alyssa Me to

message 5: by Angela (new) - added it

Angela Ha ha I'm an "adult" reading this series with my 9 year old and we both LOVE these series! I do have quite the imagination, though, so thank you for that. Great review!

Vera Awesome review,

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