thevampireslibrary's Reviews > The Angel of Indian Lake

The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones
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it was amazing

Stephen is the angel of the literary lake, creating a legend in Jade who will forever be immortalized as *THE* final girl, his was one of my most anticipated reads for 2024 and I can't thank @sagapressbooks enough for this ARC, this was a perfect (albeit heartbreaking) end to this trilogy, did I cry? Yes, and you will too, and I'm talking full on ugly crying. Jades character growth over this series  has been incredible and its been extremely hard not to become attached to our final girl, I don't think any review I write would do this book justice, what an absolute honor it's been to be on this journey and witness the evolution of Jade, this was devastating and I'm sad it's over but grateful Stephen gave our girl the conclusion she deserved, Jade Daniels forever!, full depth review coming soon, don't want to post any spoilers but get your tissues ready sunshines 🖤🖤
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January 21, 2024 – Shelved

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message 1: by kim ☆ (new) - added it

kim ☆ i am SO excited for this!!!!

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