Corrina's Reviews > Rite of Passage

Rite of Passage by John Passarella
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This book is set during season 7 of the television show Supernatural. I usually like media tie-in novels–it’s a good way to tell stories about the characters or in the universe that can’t be done on the show, either because it would be too expensive to film or it isn’t suited to a television medium or just to expand the universe and find out what the characters do in between episodes. And I love Supernatural– the brothers’ relationship, the snark, the simultaneous wallowing in horror clichés while being completely aware that they are wallowing in clichés, the witty banter that makes me long for the days Joss Whedon had television shows on the air, the wonderful supporting characters (I still miss you Bobby!), and of course the glorious and unbridled snark…I love snark, ok? It’s a thing, I’m not working on it.

The novels are particularly apt for this show since season 4 introduced the Carver Edlund Supernatural books, featuring the brothers Sam and Dean who travel around the country killing monsters. While the books in the show were novelizations of the first few seasons and have never actually been published, actual Supernatural novels do add to the meta-awareness of the show, in the same way that the Richard Castle novels do for Castle.

Rite of Passage itself is a solid adventure, well-written and solidly in character with the show, and it contains the excellent research on monsters that Supernatural prides itself on. Why make up monsters for a tv show when there are hundreds throughout history and from different cultures?
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April 4, 2013 – Shelved

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