Eleanor 's Reviews > Unravel Me

Unravel Me by Becka Mack
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really liked it
bookshelves: cinnamon-roll-mc, single-parent, sports-romance

I was hesitant to read Unravel Me because I didn't exactly enjoy the first book and I skipped the second one due to an OW scene; this was the last chance I was giving this series. While I did almost give up in the first 15% because of how nauseatingly sweet Adam was (I was seriously embarrassed for him); the man was an absolute SIMP from the beginning. I am so glad I continued reading because after Rosie and Adam get to know each other a little and Rosie's son, Connor, makes an appearance, I couldn't get over how perfectly they suited each other and wanted to make their relationship work. Adam was 100% committed to making Rosie and Connor his family.
The whole book features found family throughout in many different ways and I loved how beautifully it was done; I don't cry often but this book had me in tears. That epilogue seriously had me balling my eyes out. I can definitely see how some people wouldn't be able to get over how the beginning is insta-lovey, but if you can, I seriously recommend this book. 🤞 Becka Mack doesn't let me down with Jaxon, but I would love to see another MC that isn't a manwhore from her because Adam had my whole heart!

No one is more shocked than me by the fact that I actually liked this. RTC!
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Reading Progress

August, 2023 – Started Reading
August 1, 2023 – Shelved
August, 2023 – Finished Reading
August 31, 2024 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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jordan | joburns.reads I've been debating this book because I feel the same way about this series - good to know this one is worth the read!! 😍

message 2: by Eleanor (new) - added it

Eleanor Yes, definitely worth it IMO. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Kara My feeling exactly about the first two books! I had to dnf the first it just read as something so juvenile. I’ll give this a crack tho!!

message 4: by Amy (new)

Amy What’s OW?

message 5: by Nicole (new)

Nicole  Sands OW- other woman

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