Christine's Reviews > Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Instead of reading this book, drink vodka in a dark room and think depressing thoughts. That will give you about the same experience and you'll have a better time.
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April 4, 2007 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Kari Jean (new) - added it

Kari Jean You’ve summed up my feelings about the book perfectly.

Donna It should be called “drunken and brutal”

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

That's concerning. It's the next on my great books to read list. I had hoped it would be the one that made me a much better person.

Mike Barat 100% correct Christine. I still remember roughly 4 or 5 years ago I stopped reading this book on page 56, then I tossed the book across my living room.

Stefan Schalkwyk I would write the same exact review but just give the book 5 stars😂

Mike Barat That's a different approach.

message 7: by Ebba (new)

Ebba Andersson See this makes me think it deserves a five star rating

message 8: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Why read at all? It’s difficult and you could spend that valuable tome looking in the mirror.

Mike Barat Daniel wrote: "Why read at all? It’s difficult and you could spend that valuable tome looking in the mirror."

Simply put, if your not getting anything of a book after roughly reading a third of the book ( Not that there's any rules about this. ) it's time to put the book down and go on to the next book, that hopefully you will get something out of. That's my philosophy for what it worth. Happy New year and have a good weekend.

zohn marday Clearly, you people have vodka taste in literature

message 11: by Fahad (new)

Fahad Nur go back to your "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

message 12: by Mai (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mai Haha such a poor ability to fully comprehend the author’s intellect and talent.

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