Jessica 's Reviews > Meet Your Match

Meet Your Match by Kandi Steiner
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it was amazing

4.5 stars

KANDI REALLY DID THAT. It took me a bit to warm up to the story since Maven and Vince were just dancing around with their attraction with one another. I really loved the concept of Maven working in social media and basically having to be around Vince 24/7 to post about him. We love forced proximity. Once feelings got involved, though!? DECEASED. Vince falls SOOOOO hard for Maven and I was so obsessed with the push and pull between them. Maven was really hurt in her past and never wants that hurt again. Not to mention she's building her career and doesn't want to jeopardize her reputation by getting together with one of her subjects. But Vince is determined to have her and I love how he didn't just let her get away. And as a sports romance, I loved how much hockey we got in here. The side characters were so perfect and endearing and I NEED a book for every single one of them. Especially Daddy P!!! I am obsessed with this world Kandi built and can't wait for what else she has in store for us!
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July 6, 2023 – Started Reading
July 6, 2023 – Shelved
July 7, 2023 – Finished Reading

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Kristina Oooh... This is my next read!!!

Nuzhat Hiii ..can you please include spice ratings in your reviews ?

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