Brittany's Reviews > Last Summer on State Street

Last Summer on State Street by Toya Wolfe
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it was amazing

I’m very glad my book club chose this book because it wasn’t on my radar, but I absolutely loved it.
The main character is telling the story of the summer when she was 12 in the 90s & the city of Chicago tore down all the “affordable housing” (aka the projects) buildings. So it’s the story of her & her three friends & how they are all affected. In the telling of all the fear & sadness, there is also hope.
The frame story makes it feel more like a memoir than a novel, and as someone who lives near Chicago & grew up in the Seventh Day Adventist faith, there was a lot I could identify with, even in a story that, as a white reader, was not written for me.
I am grateful to Wolfe & her immense talent (and Shayna Small’s beautiful reading of the audiobook) for showing us these truths.
Expertly done.
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