Waseema's Reviews > Skyeholm

Skyeholm by Tamara Lynne Rector
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's review

it was amazing

This is an amazing book. Its very psychological and part 1 of a triology. I am currently part way through book 2.
The story is about a police officer who has an episode, after a triggering day at work. He comes around and finds he has kidnapped a group of friends. One of them is a woman, Skye, whom he has been dreaming about. The ironic part is Skye has also been dreaming about a man, for 4 years, who looks identical to John.
The book spans about a month I think... time moves so differently.
John is a police officer who is solving crime whilst he has this group kidnapped.

This book is amazingly complex, intelligent and makes you think. Some sections span a day or two, some a few minutes. It leaves you questioning so much, and wondering if what you have learnt is a breadcrumb or a false lead. I have tried to map it out but feel books 2 and 3 need to read to understand what is a real lead and what isn't!
Its incredibly well written, and a good length! A must read!

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Reading Progress

May 1, 2023 – Started Reading
May 1, 2023 – Shelved
May 8, 2023 – Finished Reading

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