Iyabo's Reviews > Trial of the Sun Queen
Trial of the Sun Queen (Artefacts of Ouranos, #1)

** spoiler alert **
I support women of color especially those who are authors and I support fantasy novels that feature women of color. They are few and far between. But as certain (cough NK cough) authors have shown me, you also have to …be good. Don’t get me wrong, the premise literally had me drooling. It’s The Selection but with smut and fae. It’s The Hunger Games meets The Lunar Chronicles. The main character Lor is just Celaena and Feyre and Poppy mashed into one person. (Although not as smart as my girlies which was disappointing.) Nadir, crown prince of The Aurora? You mean Dorian? Gabriel, captain of the guard of The Aphelion? You mean Chaol? Unfortunately, because it’s like literally very other fantasy book I’ve ever read, it was too predictable. I mean how many times are we gonna do this orphaned lost Princess plot? I had hoped it would be an original take but we’re just doing the same basic fantasy nonsense. Still a fun read though.
2023 Challenge #40: The first of a series
2023 Challenge #40: The first of a series
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Jul 15, 2023 05:56AM
