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Lyn's Reviews > Bleak House

Bleak House by Charles Dickens
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Bleak House was Charles Dickens’ 1853 novel that documents the tragi-comic events surrounding the chancery court case of Jarndyce v Jarndyce.

Told with an unusual blend of shifting perspectives, the first being a first person narrative and the second an omniscient, present tense narrator, Dickens describes a London where justice is turned upside down and personal values are intertwined with the doleful legal system.

** - Many of you know that I am a Tennessee attorney and let me just say that 160 years later, this kind of thing still happens. An estate is completely consumed by attorney fees. Not always the fault of the lawyers either: in a case a few years ago, one beneficiary said while pointing to another "I don't give a damn if I never get a dime, as long as HE doesn't get a thing!"

As with most of Dickens novels, Bleak House features an extraordinary cast and the author’s ability to convey a character is his genius. A good book.

** 2018 - This time of year is ripe for reading Dickens. I'm working on an estate right now where the parties, all family members, cannot agree that the sun came up this morning. One of his better books, this one deserves a re-read sometime.

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January 26, 2013 – Started Reading
January 26, 2013 – Shelved
February 15, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Lorna Lyn, great review. I loved this book and how it portrayed the legal system. As you point out, not a lot has changed.

message 2: by Lyn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lyn Thanks Lorna

Christopher So why only 3 stars?

message 4: by Lyn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lyn I liked it, did not "really like it" (4 stars) or "thought it was amazing" (5 stars)

message 5: by Sally (new)

Sally As another Tennessee attorney, I have heard several divorce clients make the same statement, Lyn

message 6: by Lyn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lyn ;)

message 7: by Carol (new)

Carol Douglas Only three stars! I think this is Dickens' best book. You rank too low!

message 8: by Lyn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lyn I get that alot, to my credit I almost never give out ones or twos

message 9: by Mustafa (new) - added it

Mustafa ... in a case a few years ago, one beneficiary said while pointing to another "I don't give a damn if I never get a dime, as long as HE doesn't get a thing!"...

I am currently in dispute with a company to which I paid a substantial amount of money for a service that was never provided. I am trying to get it back and they are simply refusing to return it. I am also in the same frame of mind, I would rather pay the attorneys the whole sum rather than letting this company hold on to it. It is an understandable feeling. :)

message 10: by Lyn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lyn Understood, sometimes it is

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