Nana's Reviews > Betty White's Pearls of Wisdom: Life Lessons from a Beloved American Treasure

Betty White's Pearls of Wisdom by Patty Sullivan
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it was amazing
bookshelves: netgalley

I knew Betty White as an actress, and her love for animals, but Patty Sullivan tells us about Betty White through the love and friendship she had with her. As Patty Sullivan says, the pearls of wisdom she imparted that forever transformed their lives, she is sharing with us.
The connections Betty White made through her life, with humans and animals, made an impact. Betty was famous, but she was caring, down to earth, and she was there, for so many things. What I like most is the connections she had, she made the best of things, and she found the beauty and the best in everything.
This book, is a book that I savored, like Betty savored life, I took my time reading, and did enjoy her pearls of wisdom. It is a reminder that life is what you make it, she lived every minute of her life and she stayed true to herself. She was an inspiration.
I received an ARC from Forefront Books through NetGalley.

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November 23, 2022 – Shelved
November 23, 2022 – Shelved as: netgalley

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