Carie's Reviews > Sapphire Blue

Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier
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I like this series, I do. WIth a few complaints. My biggest complaint is that it is a series, instead of a single book. Not much happened it the first and frankly not a whole lot happens in the second. I got SO (in all caps!) tired of no one telling Gwen anything. Eventually some things are revealed. Ish. But you shouldn't have to read 2 books in the series to start getting answers.

Yes, I'll read the next. As long as my complaints are duly noted.
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Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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heidi Absolutely! No more series! Just give if nice, thick, GOOD books!

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Agreed! Even though I think part of the trouble is the German book market; there is a general reluctance to make books with more than five hundred pages, so I can pretty much picture Kerstin Gier keeping that in the back of her head while constructing the story...

Cici I don't really care, i didn't care for the last book.

Brisaea Exactly

Vanessa My thoughts exactly. I love this story so far, but I'm getting really irritated that nothing has really been revealed when it all should have been one book in the first place.

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