Barb's Reviews > Lily Bennett’s Bucket List

Lily Bennett’s Bucket List by Katherine Dyson
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it was amazing

Lydia cannot seem to get over her husband leaving her because she was boring. On her way home from a terrible date, she finds a paper entitled Lily’s Bucket List. She decides to do the list to become more attractive to her ex. On a dating app, Lydia asks for some one to complete the tasks with her. She is up front with Jake from the start telling him she wants to win her husband back. Jake Jones suggests a meeting and seeing the title, assumes Lydia is Lily and she does not correct him. Lydia does not like herself and decides she would rather be Lily. I loved this book. Lydia now lives at home and is subjected to her mother’s criticism of how she lives her life. When Jake comes into her life, he supports her and sees a different woman altogether. Jake has a lot of secrets himself and concentrates on being the person Lydia needs him to be so she can feel better about herself. The items on the list made the book lots of fun. Surfing lessons, horseback riding and camping had me laughing out loud. This is at the top of my favorite reads this summer. I appreciate receiving a copy of the book from netGalley in return for an honest review.
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August 2, 2022 – Started Reading
August 4, 2022 – Finished Reading
August 5, 2022 – Shelved

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