Lisa Parker's Reviews > First To Fight

First To Fight by Mazzy King
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's review

it was amazing

Ayden's life has been spiraling out of control since the mission that took his leg. When he was discharged from the military hospital, he went far away from family and friends, to Thailand. He worked on getting his body in shape, but not his mind, he is still suffering from PTSD. His brother contact him to come home, he has a date planned for his wedding and he is to be the best man.

He had plans to become an officer, he was only one class away from his degree when the accident happened. He heads to the registrar's on UCLA.

When he meets Carmen on campus, she is like a breath of fresh air, she talks him into seeing a therapist, her boss. She is just what he needed but did not know. She stands by him as he maneuvers thru finding a path for himself.

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Reading Progress

July 30, 2022 – Started Reading
July 30, 2022 – Shelved
July 30, 2022 – Finished Reading

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