Ayesha's Reviews > God of Fury

God of Fury by Rina Kent
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it was amazing

69% sure this book is Nikolai×Brandon 😏 I loved Nikolai so much and Brandon seems like a male version of Glyndon. Also am I the only one that sees a little bit of Damien from THRONE DUET and DECEPTION DUET in Nikolai's personality?
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July 18, 2022 – Shelved

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message 1: by Lirith (new) - added it

Lirith Exactly that was my thought too, when I first read about Nico. He is totally like Damian.

message 2: by Zeynep (new)

Zeynep You’re not the only one!!

message 3: by Gitanjali (new) - added it

Gitanjali Omg you're not the only one

Rikareads oh honey not a little bit he totally like damien i cant wait for damiens and mio's story

zeba He’s completely like Damian!

Olgz of the remaining 3 in the series do you know which couple is in which story?

Olgz of the remaining 3 in the series do you know which couple is in which story?

Olgz of the remaining 3 in the series do you know which couple is in which story?

romance_lover How come Damien never got his book??

 addicted Damien won't have his own book right?

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