L.L.'s Reviews > A Game of Retribution

A Game of Retribution by Scarlett St.  Clair
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it was amazing

“Shh, my darling,” he soothed, his hands moving from her waist to her thighs. “I will forever regret my anger. How could I ever question your love? Your trust? Your word? When you have my heart.”

I will forever shove this series down anyones throat...especially Hades POV. Not enough people read his books and they need to! We get to meet new and amazing characters and see the sides of our favorite characters that we don't see with Sephy's POV. Trust me, when you get to the castration, the glitter, or the topiaries, you'll understand. AND...and everything Hades has to go through?? Fucking fates...he was busy.

Get A Game of Retribution everywhere books are sold, trust me, you want this book! The spice, the banter, Hermes, Hecate, Ariadne, Dionysus, and so much more just make this...ugh, so freaking good!!!!
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