amanda's Reviews > D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding
D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding
** spoiler alert **
this author can write like romantic love and like expressions of love descriptions is the word im looking for. anyways she can write that really fucking well like sheesh
dvaughn queenie we are one and the same it got like freaky at points
i love kris my heart was in my throat reading the last like 30% bc i would’ve jumped through the kindle and fought her thick thighs and all if anything got fucked up
no third act breakup like my hr was through the roof i was so nervous when they dvaughn got down on one knee i could finally relax
screaming at that club chair scene like screaming
very very cute very kicking your feet giggling blushing like very
this only took me longer to read bc i was studying for like 8 hrs straight and didn’t want to read this in a bad mood even tho it would’ve helped but i wanted my experience to be as beautiful and light as possible
this author can write like romantic love and like expressions of love descriptions is the word im looking for. anyways she can write that really fucking well like sheesh
dvaughn queenie we are one and the same it got like freaky at points
i love kris my heart was in my throat reading the last like 30% bc i would’ve jumped through the kindle and fought her thick thighs and all if anything got fucked up
no third act breakup like my hr was through the roof i was so nervous when they dvaughn got down on one knee i could finally relax
screaming at that club chair scene like screaming
very very cute very kicking your feet giggling blushing like very
this only took me longer to read bc i was studying for like 8 hrs straight and didn’t want to read this in a bad mood even tho it would’ve helped but i wanted my experience to be as beautiful and light as possible
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