Chelsea's Reviews > Ordinary Monsters

Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro
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it was amazing
Read 2 times. Last read May 10, 2022 to May 22, 2022.

This is one of those books that lingers with you. I’ve seen it compared to pretty much all stories about children with supernatural gifts; The Umbrella Academy, X-Men, Miss Peregrines, etc and then crossed with the atmosphere and time of Penny Dreadful. That was enough to make me pick it up and it did not disappoint.

There’s a seemingly huge cast of characters but it primarily focuses on two orphaned children with unique talents and the people trying to bring them back to a school while also being hunted by others. It took a bit to grasp all of the cast but once I did, I was buckled in for the long haul. While this book seems dark and gritty, it also feels whimsical at times and as innocent as the children we follow. The story is long and involved but it never felt like a slog to me. The writing is rich and I can picture every single scene vividly. I will basically not shut up about this book for the foreseeable future. Apologies in advance.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading (Audiobook Edition)
May 10, 2022 – Started Reading
May 10, 2022 – Shelved
May 22, 2022 – Shelved (Audiobook Edition)
May 22, 2022 – Finished Reading

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Avidbookjunkie I'm trying to get more into Fantasy and have been searching for books. Came across this one and your review and it made me want to read this one. Movies I can watch all the time but reading Fantasy has always been a struggle. I find myself getting bored quickly but I really want to read more fantasy. I know I can get into it.

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