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Kezia Duah's Reviews > Forever, Interrupted

Forever, Interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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TJR’s first novel!

Elsie’s husband died after nine days of getting married. Ben never told his mom that he got married, or even told them about Elsie at all. You can imagine how awkward that would have been to meet your mother-in-law at the time of your husband’s death. Susan, her mother-in-law, was also in a tough position meeting her daughter-in-law for the first time in a horrible situation. As she is also grieving she puts a lot of her frustration on Elsie. Will these two women ever learn to understand each other?

This was an emotional ride. Who are we to tell people how to grieve or if they should even be allowed to grieve? That was what I think the central message of this book was. Love cannot be measured by everyone's standards, right? Elsie and Ben weren’t together for a long time, but it didn’t make their love "less" love compared to other people who have been together for a long time. Susan, who also lost her husband, did a great job in making Elsie see this.

As Elsie is grieving there are many other characters who teach her something through this process. I like how almost every character illustrates all kinds of people whom you will be surrounded by during a tough time, and what each person will tell you about yourself and themselves.

I have a feeling that authors don’t want us going all the way back to the earliest books they wrote because they’ve definitely grown and will probably be embarrassed by some of the things they wrote. This was still pretty great and I’m glad I read it.

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message 1: by Tracy P. (new) - added it

Tracy  P. Excellent review, Kezia! I have got to get this one.

Kezia Duah Tracy wrote: "Excellent review, Kezia! I have got to get this one."

Hope you get to it soon!!

Kezia Duah GirlWithThePinkSkiMask wrote: "It's so interesting going back and reading an author's first and seeing how far they've come. Glad you loved it."

Yeah I can definitely see some growth from TJR. Thank you!!!

message 4: by Tracy P. (new) - added it

Tracy  P. Kezia wrote: "Tracy wrote: "Excellent review, Kezia! I have got to get this one."

Hope you get to it soon!!"

Thanks, Kezia! I am on my library waiting list - and just 14 weeks till it's my turn! 😅

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