Natalie Freese's Reviews > Unmask My Heart

Unmask My Heart by Karla Kratovil
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's review

it was amazing
Read 2 times. Last read March 21, 2022.

I LOVE, love, love when there is more than just the focus of him & her. Yes, it is a historical romance and that (him&her) are the main focus BUT you need your friends, your people, your town, your comrades, etc. This book had that and executed all the conversations and going on wonderfully. I Could even picture people passing by and chatting in the background.
And it isn't stalking if you are a bodyguard. Basically in simplest turns this boils down to fake it to you make it and YOU might realize you made like it and keep it. Guarded hearts be d6mn6d:) A great read.

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March 21, 2022 – Shelved
March 21, 2022 – Finished Reading

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