Kathryn's Reviews > The Marquess Makes His Move

The Marquess Makes His Move by Diana Quincy
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it was amazing
bookshelves: historical-romance, own-voices, netgalley

I have been in need of a romance that I could get lost in and this did exactly that. I adore maps. I have a degree in Geography and have always found cartography fascinating, so I was thrilled to find that Rose, our heroine, is a map maker. Rose has been designing maps for her husband’s powerful patrons while he acts as the face of the business. Alex, our hero and a Marquess, learns that his neighbor used a commissioned map to steal a portion of Alex’s property so he enters Rose’s household masquerading as a footman to get to the bottom of things.

I loved both Rose and Alex. I’m usually not a big fan of secrets in romances, but this one worked because they both had secrets and the secrets were not kept from the reader, just each other until things had to be revealed. I enjoyed the wide range of secondary characters from Alex’s Arab family members to the downstairs servants. I think Diana handled the sticky situation of Rose’s marriage well and did not have any actual cheating involving our hero and heroine. I have read the first book in this series and own the second but have not read it. The couples from the first two books briefly appear in this one but their books do not have to be read to enjoy this one. I can’t wait to see what Diana writes next.

Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
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March 12, 2022 – Started Reading
March 13, 2022 – Shelved
March 13, 2022 – Finished Reading

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