Nicole's Reviews > Flygirl

Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith
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bookshelves: book-club

Interesting concept, but I didn't think the writing or the plot was that well developed. It was a fairly short book, but it took me longer than I thought to get through it because it just didn't grab me. I liked the characters, but, again, it was hard to get into the book and become very connected to them. The concept of passing was interesting to me and the conflict and stress it introduced for Ida Mae, but when the book ended and we were left hanging on what would happen in her future, the question of whether she'd continue to pass or not or whether she'd choose to go home to her family or sever those ties was still left open too and it just felt very unresolved. The author mentioned in her notes that she wrote this book for a thesis project, but it didn't feel developed enough or with enough historical information to be a thesis project let alone a fully developed book. I just basically wanted more from this book that I didn't get.
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Reading Progress

October 25, 2012 – Shelved
October 25, 2012 – Shelved as: book-club
November 9, 2012 – Started Reading
November 11, 2012 –
page 53
November 12, 2012 –
page 100
November 13, 2012 –
page 128
November 14, 2012 –
page 171
November 15, 2012 –
page 250
November 16, 2012 – Finished Reading

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