LIsa Noell "Rocking the chutzpah!"'s Reviews > They Disappeared

They Disappeared by Joy Ellis
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My thanks to Joffe Books, Joy Ellis and Netgalley. Joy Ellis is one of those few authors whose books I love, even though everyone is exceedingly nice! Her tales are by no means "cozy." But, the characters are comforting. At least to me! I thought I'd love this one, but I just didn't. From around the age of 7, and up until my mid 30's, I loved exploring old places. I'd usually drag a friend along, but occasionally my sister. Eventually I had to grow up! Ha, LOL! Anyhow.. So, turns out that I was an Urban explorer! This is maybe the second or third book of Joy's that I just didn't get into. Though I did love the Orac storyline! Sadly, it took me ages to finish this book. I will say that the ending picked up! Unfortunately, I want all the book to be that great. Otherwise, if just read the last 25% of every book. No worries. The next will be good. I'm already looking forward to it!
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November 7, 2021 – Shelved

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