Shawna Finnigan's Reviews > You Sexy Thing

You Sexy Thing by Cat Rambo
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First of all, I’ve got to address the title before I dive into my review: no, this isn’t a smutty book despite what the title of the book is. There is a spaceship in the book with the name ‘You Sexy Thing’ and that is where the name of the book comes from. There is brief mentions of sex as well as one sex scene that is not detailed at all. The title is a little deceiving and slightly off putting in my opinion…

Anyways, You Sexy Thing is a science fiction adventure with a unique found family and some fun cooking. There’s action, squad goals, violence, and many other unexpected events that makes this book stand out from a lot of other science fiction stories.

I feel like I don’t read as many science fiction books as I should. Science fiction always has such complex world building that sometimes it can be intimidating to read science fiction books. When I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway, I thought this would be my chance to dive into science fiction more. However, I found that I had very mixed feelings about this book.

My favorite part of this book was surprisingly the world building. It took a lot of effort and concentration to remember all the details of the world so that I could really understand the story, but once I got the hang of it, I was impressed by Cat Rambo’s creativity and imagination. Every detail of this universe was well thought out and unlike any other science fiction universe that I’ve read/watched. I especially appreciated all of the fun alien species that were in this novel.

I also really appreciated all of the characters. Atlanta was definitely my favorite, but they all had interesting personalities that created an amazing group dynamic. I would be really interested in more stories with these characters, especially maybe a backstory for Milly.

Despite liking a lot of things about this book, most of this book was just waiting around for something to happen. The first 70% of the book felt like preparation for the action in the last 30%. This book is only about 300 pages long, so it felt like too much just waiting around without much happening for this type of book. I would expect something like this for a second book in a trilogy that suffers from second book syndrome, but this was the first time that I’ve seen so much filler and waiting for the final event in the first novel in a series (possibly a standalone?). I almost wish the waiting portion could’ve been heavily focused on a romance or something. I put so much time into getting invested in this story only to be disappointed by a slim amount of action.

The ending was extremely disappointing. It was cheesy and dragged out for a bit too long. It definitely set the story up for a sequel and I will most likely read the sequel when/if it gets published, but I felt very unsatisfied from the ending.

I'm glad I read this book and I will be reading more science fiction in the future, but I’d only really recommend this book to other people who like science fiction with complex world building and fun characters. This book is definitely entertaining, however, it was also somewhat disappointing and lacking some elements that would’ve made it the phenomenal book that it had the potential to be.
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Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Angela (new)

Angela Great review on this one Shawna!

message 2: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Fabulous review, Shawna!

Timmerick This is SF writing to the max.
After reading it for the second time, this is absolutly brilliant , clever and bound to become a classic

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