Emily's Reviews > Verity

Verity by Colleen Hoover
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it was amazing
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excuse me what
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August 18, 2021 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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Jessica RIGHT?! im pretty sure my jaw stayed open for a solid 10 min at the end.


Kayla Giang bye this is gonna be my next read

Dani(ela) I KNOW

Natalie Rutledge Same girl. SAME.

Gabrielle Blin ( book reviewer) A great book

lara I AGREE

Alvina By far the best review yet! 😂. Couldn't agree more.

message 9: by J (new) - rated it 5 stars

J Loved it!

message 10: by Mads (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mads Exactly. 😂

Kaitlyn Lindstone my thoughts exactly

Karli Dotson same

Madison Nelson no literally WHAT

message 14: by May (new) - rated it 5 stars

May I just finished it and this is a whole ass mood

message 15: by Nicky (new)

Nicky I don't know y'all but I'm just here for the comments. *munches on popcorn*

Cynthia Earls Girl, me too.

message 17: by Elle (new) - rated it 4 stars

Elle Precisely summarized

message 18: by Mau (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mau Same girl! Same!

Maxim F. Lynx I know right

sophie same

message 21: by T (new) - added it

T This is the ONLY way to describe what we have read

Summer Larkihn Amen

Kacey Daniels {hiatus} Literally, the most relatable review ever

Lupi_reads Couldn't have worded it any better myself

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