Karolyn Kai's Reviews > Pleasantview

Pleasantview by Celeste Mohammed
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it was amazing

***Reflections of Pleasantview by Celeste Mohammed***

Allyuh need to go read this book! Not only because it full a bacchanal and ting but because Celeste Mohammed write she ass off in dis short story collection!

The short stories being interconnected gives us a full, panoramic view of Pleasantview: from the beautiful azure surface to the deep, dark underbelly of paradise. Normally, for short stories, we get a snippet of characters and their environment, but somehow Celeste manages to do full on character development and an amazing world building. I feel like I was literally inside of Pleasantview and only now on a bus going back home and still thinking bout all what went on during my visit.

There’s so much that goes on and here are some content warnings:
Domestic abuse
Sex trafficking

This is all weaved with the sweetest writing. Sweeter than doubles with nuff chutney.
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Reading Progress

May 3, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
May 3, 2021 – Shelved
June 29, 2021 – Started Reading
July 1, 2021 –
page 83
July 7, 2021 – Finished Reading

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