JJ's Reviews > My Bloodline

My Bloodline by K.C. Kean
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did not like it

I don't know where my rating went for this book because I was looking up the title and found my best rant review had vanished.

✔️ I was missold on this book to being about paranormals instead of criminals because of the heavy emphasis on bloodlines but no worries apparently the ability to commit crimes runs in peoples blood.
✔️Tokenisation from what I can tell is the only Asian character in this book to being the "smart" one who calls her "Sakura"
✔️ Unbelievable childhood romance plot (they met when they were 5, you can't expect my dispension of disbelief allows me to think he's still in love with her now that they haven't met in all their 13 highly development years)
✔️A horrible best friend caharcter that only serves to serve the main charcater
✔️Blatant misogyny like everywhere
✔️The "love interests" all being one dimensional and having a singular charcater trait.

And that's just what I remember it probably has worse stuff.
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Reading Progress

April 14, 2021 – Started Reading
April 14, 2021 – Shelved
April 14, 2021 – Finished Reading

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