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Luís's Reviews > Bleak House

Bleak House by Charles Dickens
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I discovered the masterful Dickensian novels with this reading. I don't seem to have seen an adaptation for television or cinema of this vast soap opera (in a good sense). Its original publication spanned a year and a half, in monthly deliveries, from March 1852 to September 1853. Suppose many of its characters today can put off a little, even a well-meaning reader. In that case, we must not forget that in 1852, one eagerly awaited the next month's bundle and (probably) reread those already published. The novel's construction is original: chapters told from the point of view of an omniscient narrator, ironic towards legal and political powers, alternate with those of the novel's heroine, Esther Summerson. Because this is a novel about an interminable trial in Chancellery, which has lasted for decades, Esther is concerned by this trial, which bears her guardian's name, Jarndyce. Still, she will not discover the full extent of her involvement, which is linked to her origins, until the novel's end. I enjoyed losing myself in the maze of these interwoven stories, accompanied by characters so striking (sometimes annoying) as Dickens knew how to characterize them.
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Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Michael Perkins This is an excellent adaptation. Recommended,

Luís Michael wrote: "This is an excellent adaptation. Recommended,"

Thank you, Michael.

message 3: by Murray (new)

Murray I would like to listen to this in audiobook .. ty for the good review

Luís Murray wrote: "I would like to listen to this in audiobook .. ty for the good review"

You're welcome.

message 5: by Marquise (new)

Marquise Nice review, Luis! I remember there's a mini-serials of this from 2005 I casually looked at but wasn't grabbed by it. :)

message 6: by Douglas (new)

Douglas There are a number of adaptations including the more recent with Gillian Anderson from X-Files.

message 7: by Eric (new) - added it

Eric I know there’s a 2005 miniseries based on it, but haven’t seen it or read the book just yet.

Luís Marquise wrote: "Nice review, Luis! I remember there's a mini-serials of this from 2005 I casually looked at but wasn't grabbed by it. :)"

Thank you, Marquise! I just saw your comment now. I am interested in those mini-series, too.

Luís Douglas wrote: "There are a number of adaptations including the more recent with Gillian Anderson from X-Files."

Thank you, Douglas.

Luís Eric wrote: "I know there’s a 2005 miniseries based on it, but haven’t seen it or read the book just yet."

You must read the book, then, Eric.

message 11: by David (new)

David Canford Apparently a favourite of Paul McCartney too

Luís David wrote: "Apparently a favourite of Paul McCartney too"

You're kidding! Really??

message 13: by David (new)

David Canford Well that’s what I’ve read.

Luís David wrote: "Well that’s what I’ve read."

Ok. That's surprising!

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