Cindy's Reviews > Big Summer

Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner
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it was ok

The first half had the potential to be a decent chick lit story - it had a lot of focus on social media influencers, frenemies drama, and body image discussions with a plus-sized protagonist. I would have given it 3 stars if it were just that, but the latter is where the story suffers as we abruptly shift over to a mystery. I actually am intrigued by the idea of switching genres halfway through a book, but the execution wasn’t great because it was clear that the author is better at writing chick lit than a mystery or thriller. Another reviewer compared it to Scooby Doo, which I find accurate - we watch the protagonist become an amateur sleuth and go on a journey with two sidekicks, a cheesy detective, and a cartoonish villain who gladly gives exposition about how and why they did it.

I didn’t care for any of the characters. The protagonist constantly comments on her weight, self-deprecates, and compares herself to others. This behavior, while realistic and understandable for a lot of people, gets repetitive and tiring to read, especially when it seems like you can’t read any fat character without them CONSTANTLY feeling bad about themselves. At least in “One to Watch” it was more purposeful and realistic considering that protagonist’s circumstances, but in this one, I really wish there was more to her character other than struggling with her self-esteem, body image, and dealing with her bitchy skinny frenemy. It seems like such low-hanging fruit of a narrative. She didn’t even really get a decent romance, since we were thrown right into insta-love.

As for the frenemy, the entire plot hinges upon her somehow having a magnetic effect on the protagonist and everyone else. She didn’t have that effect on me at all, since it’s obvious she’s a stereotypical vapid influencer. Even when the book tries to make her sympathetic or give her depth, I still could not bother to care. The frenemies relationship just felt like white girl drama to me.

Speaking of which, I have mixed feelings about a very dramatic scene in the story where she has a conversation with an Asian character, who laments about being the only Asian person in a predominantly white place, how their family worked so hard to get them to America, and how important it was to be an American, but now their parents were ashamed of them because of that character’s academic failures. Aside from the stereotypical Asian-American background story, the protagonist replies that she knows what it’s like to be different as well, because she is a fat girl. The Asian character argues that is not the same, but the protagonist insists that she has suffered too and that everyone suffers in their own way. The main character replies: “We’re all people.” Um…. ok?

A question I constantly asked while reading this was: what is the point? Any message that could have been given from the first half of the book becomes diluted by the sudden turn of events and Scooby Doo hijinks in the second half. The best answer I can think of was that it shows how everyone has their own insecurities and issues, and you never know what someone is going through behind their social media. “We’re all people”. To which I say… um… ok.
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February 23, 2021 – Started Reading
February 23, 2021 – Shelved
March 3, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-46 of 46 (46 new)

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Emily This book was so disappointing. Also, I felt the exact same way about how the Asian character was handled.

message 2: by TMR (new) - added it

TMR Damn I just got the pretty nervous to read it.

Eszter I couldn't agree more. It's been a few months since I finished the book and I literally forgot almost everything which is a good indication that it didn't convey any message at all (for me at least).

message 4: by Sri (new) - added it

Sri Yikes I checked this audiobook out from the library but think I'm going to skip it.

message 5: by Pumpkin (new)

Pumpkin Empanada "The Asian character argues that is not the same, but the protagonist insists that she has suffered too .....The main character replies: “We’re all people." = YIKES 0.0

message 6: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Metts I've had two romance novels recently where the first half sounds great and then the latter half dive bombs with no tension. In fact, The Beach Read didn't even wait until the half way mark for me...Need something that takes me through, whether it be the tension (dramatic or sexual) or the sex scenes. The Unhoneymooners got me out of the slump - it wasn't the best but it was better than the last two I read.

message 7: by Tricia (new) - added it

Tricia Wilner LoPresti I completely agree. It was too much exposition as well. Might make a good lifetime movie though.

message 8: by cam (new) - rated it 1 star

cam spot on review. this book made me mad thinking "what is the point?!?!?!?!" i did not care at all

message 9: by Rundee (new)

Rundee Thank you for pointing out the misogyny of the female lead. Gonna skip this one then, I loath that!

Stephanie Smith Exactly my thoughts. Perfectly said review.

Shannon 💯- great review. I wanted to like this so much but really couldn’t!!

message 12: by Barb (new) - rated it 3 stars

Barb Good to know , i won't waste my time reading this one

Jamie Stevens Really wish I would have read your review before starting this book! I’m gonna muscle through it but I’m only 80 pages in and I’m losing interest. Fast.

message 14: by Danielle (new) - added it

Danielle I am not 25% in to this and I am already annoyed w Daphne and her constant justification and self pitying justification of her weight while also not taking any responsibility for it. She constantly tells the reader she exercises and follows diets/life style changes etc. My book club picked it as a chic lit/beach read and in my opinion, it is not

message 15: by Patti (new) - rated it 1 star

Patti B You are spot on with your review. The first half was so repetitive (I'm fat, no one loves me, I'm stuck helplessly on Drue even though I've got a great friend & roommate) and the second was a complete wasteland - Scooby Doo is precisely what it felt like.

message 16: by Sara (new) - rated it 1 star

Sara A keen and accurate review. This book felt like a waste of my time. And spot on description re white girl drama, with the requisite Asian character thrown in. Ugh. So disappointed.

Crystal Taliaferro Well darn! I wish I would read this review before I bought it.

Jennifer As a fat girl, the repetitiveness of Daphne thinking about her weight was absolutely spot on. It never even occurred to me that it may be repetitive to others because it’s just reality. No matter how fabulous I am, this monologue is running underneath all my thoughts. It’s also a Jewish fat girl in a waspy world. To me, it did not come across as whining but an unfortunate truth and I enjoyed the story and writing.

Marie Spot on review! This was disappointing to me as Weiner is capable of so much more.

Naomi Grace Yes - the conversation with Leela baffled me. Weight and ethnicity/race are not at all the same struggle

Laura Foster Spot on review for me too.

Noël Fairchild This is a great review.

message 23: by Carrie (new)

Carrie Anne So glad I read your review so I can skip this book!!

Tracy I hit the half way mark and now it's a mystery. Wondering if I should even finish. PLUS I'm listening to it and while the narrator has a nice voice her diction is terrible. She pronounces her t's like d's. It's so distracting.

Maria @Tracy UGH!!! Her pronunciation was driving me crazy! And the fact that she described EVERY character’s outfit resulted in hearing words like “buddon” and “sadin” continuously!

Angelina Sampieri Could not agree more, well said.

Karley Baldwin I felt the same exact way

Peaches I 100% agree with you about the problematic treatment of the Asian character. I was floored that the publisher permitted this with our current climate and horrified that an author thought it was ok.

Rania Haber Spot on review, this book is so bland and pointless.

Sarah This. All of it. Great review!

Savannah Swanson My exact thoughts!

message 32: by Holly (new) - rated it 1 star

Holly Ristau This review perfectly describes my feelings about this book!

message 33: by Sam (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sam Andersen Chapter 6; the engagement party and the weight watchers…29 pages that could have been skipped or edited down a great deal.

message 34: by Tina (new) - added it

Tina Mann Thank you! This book really fell a part in the second half and the ending was horrible. As a South Asian woman I was incredibly offended by the ending

Natalie Meszaros Spot on review!

message 36: by Cathie (new)

Cathie Reed Thank you! I am at the transition point and was wondering if I wanted to continue. Decision made!

message 37: by Mary (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mary Sullivan-Haller Great review. Often I start a book on audio and feel compelled to finish it since I drive a lot and want to meet my Goodreads goal!
I did get sucked into the whodunnit and appreciated the college admissions scandal element. Operation Varsity Blues anyone?

Christopher I wrote my review, the first point being it seemed like two books had been melded together. Then I read your review - perfect!

Meghan Helzlsouer Agree!

Aimee Grey 100%

Hannah Couldn’t have said it better myself!

APLyons Agree with most of this and that the mystery story was a bit amateurish, but was grateful for it because I was struggling to care about the social media influencer and frenemies plot line. Too many books with this. Compelled to read because both NYC and Ptown are special places to me, though not sure Cape Cod was captured quite right.

Tabitha Pantozzi Thank you for sharing this review because I could not put my feelings about this book into words, but you expressed them for me!

message 44: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Ferretti Thank you for saving me a waste of time. I had to put down That Summer by the same author because it veered unexpectedly into sexual assault. Came here to see if this one would be any better. Apparently not.

message 45: by Zoë (new) - rated it 2 stars

Zoë Henderson This review is SPOT ON!!

message 46: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Thornhill Completely feel the same way!!

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