Jess ❈Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbows❈'s Reviews > Uncanny Magazine Issue 37: November / December 2020

Uncanny Magazine Issue 37 by Lynne M. Thomas
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This rating and review are only for the short story The Salt Witch by Martha Wells that is found in this volume.

I have been wanting to read something by Martha Wells for awhile, so for this week’s short story, I browsed the interwebz for some of her short fiction, finding this one for free from Uncanny Magazine.

And boy oh boy was this a super fantastic story. Witches, Demon Kings, unsettled ghosts, hurricanes, sandy beaches, identity, and a good ole dose of girl power on top.

Juana is a witch traversing the ocean on a rinky dink little sailboat when she feels herself pulled to a ghost island on her way to Hispaniola. When she lands there, she realizes that someone or something has caused quite a stir there. The island is home to ghosts who’ve lost their lives to hurricanes, and everything is in disarray. The ghosts are scattered and confused, the hotel refuge has been taken over by an asshole of the highest order, and chaos rules.

For me, this story was a little reminiscent of Ocean at the End of the Lane, but with a badass female at its core. Juana must come to terms with her memories of the island, and her place in it before she can set things right for everyone else. It is a short story with a really awesome female protagonist that has a lot to say about claiming your power, owning it, standing up to the patriarchy, and saving yourself.
Rescue yourself, queen. Start with ‘no’.

I was thoroughly entertained the entire way through this short, and will be sure to put Martha Wells’ other works on my radar, effective immediately.
Witches got to witch.

4 stars.

Read this kickass story for free here:
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