fleurette's Reviews > How to Vex a Vampire

How to Vex a Vampire by Alice  Winters
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it was ok
bookshelves: mm-romance, vampires, humour

This book reminded me why I don't like funny books. More often than not I find them annoying, and so unfortunately was the case with this book.

But most of all, this book is wordy. From beginning to end, it is filled with a whole lot of unnecessary dialogues that try very hard to be funny. To such an extent that they become unbearable. I was by a whisker away from not finishing this book because I was fed up with those silly jokes and endless conversations.

It's been a long time since I met such an annoying hero as Finn. Being in his head is a chore. This guy can't be serious at all. I couldn't wait for him to finally shut up. I know his gaiety is supposed to cover his uncertainty and fear, but I couldn't find any sympathy for him. This kid is so annoying! Worse, Marcus, who I liked at the beginning, was starting to turn into some kind of copy of Finn too! Marcus is quite an underdeveloped character. We don't know much about him, about his past, feelings and character. And this despite the fact that part of the story is from his perspective.

Unfortunately, a pile of jokes cannot hide the rather weak plot. Although maybe that isn't even it. It's just that the action slows down a lot because of all the dialogues and jokes. At times when you sit waiting for what will happen, Finn has to show off his questionable eloquence. Most of the time, I just waited for Finn to shut up so the story could finally move on.

This, unfortunately, also applies to sex scenes. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the sex scenes are waffly! Even at this point, we have to listen to a whole bunch of silly jokes. As a result, these scenes are completely devoid of climate. There is simply no chemistry between Finn and Marcus, both in and out of bed. To be honest, it's hard for me to even find any feelings between them. Why are they interested in each other? I'm not sure. One might consider that they share this primitive sense of humor, but the author does not suggest such thing. I'm not sure if Finn and Marcus even like each other, whether or not they're talking about love. Their feelings are kind of flat.

In over 350 pages of this book, there is not enough space to solve the case of the vampire who hounded Finn. Which, in fact, is not that weird considering the amount of space devoted to non-funny jokes. But I'm not curious at all. I doubt I'd endure another 300 pages in Finn's head. This is my first and last book in this series.
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