Belles Middle Grade Library's Reviews > Ghosts of Greenglass House
Ghosts of Greenglass House (Greenglass House, #2)

Wow this was just as good as the 1st book, if not better. I LOVED this book. What I’m noticing the most about this author, is that she knows how to do an epic ending. She wraps up the book, & has the big final scenes so perfectly done that it blows me away. With both books I’ve been shocked, emotional(in a good way), & just gotten goosebumps. It’s hard to say ANYTHING without spoiling the 1st book. So I’ll keep it short. Milo is still amazing. He’s such a great kid. He’s still learning how to deal w/his emotions & dealing with how to handle other people who hurt his feelings on certain things. Important things. We have some familiar characters from the 1st book that I loved, & some new cast of characters for this new mystery adventure. It was set at Christmas again, so perfect read for that too. So atmospheric, everything described so well, a great mystery, & another grand adventure. I’m so in love w/these books. Highly recommend. Another beautiful cover by Jaime Zollars too of course. Just started the 3rd book. It takes a different turn, but loving it still.💜
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