Lstirl's Reviews > Mary Anne Saves the Day: A Graphic Novel

Mary Anne Saves the Day by Raina Telgemeier
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A sweet, girly, graphic novel based on the best selling Baby-Sitters Club series.

Ages 8-12

Raina Telgemeir rewrote the original book by Ann Martin with the same title, to graphic novel format. I was not looking forward to reading this book. Not a huge fan of the syrupy sweet original series nor a fan of graphic novels, the thought of reading this seemed like a double punishment. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The characters were modernized by the teen-feeling artwork and hipper fashions and hairstyles and the story is brought up to date with the addition of little things like cell phones. The issues that the girls dealt with, such as fighting with your best friends and having to deal with problems on your own are still relevant to today’s tween, and this fresh take is sure to be a hit with girl in this age group.

Despite my expectation that the novel be hokey, it was actually warm and the characters likeable. The argument between the girls is believable and we are made to feel sorry for Mary Anne without getting too upset with her peers. There was even some suspense when Mary Anne has to call an ambulance for little Jenny who she is babysitting. This was actually an enjoyable read and I think the fresh take on an old classic is a step in the right direction for today’s market and to get girls in this age group reading.

The Baby-sitters Club
by Ann M. Martin
adapted and illustrated by Raina Telgemeier
Based on Ann M. Martin's bestselling series, America's favorite baby-sitters are back! Raina Telgemeier captures all the drama of the original book in a warm, spunky, and hilarious graphic novel. Brought to life in this vivid new format, the four baby-sitting friends will captivate a whole new generation of readers.
"Plenty of content, comedy, action, and emotion." - Booklist
"A spirited graphic novel adaptation." - Publishers Weekly

There were no reviews for this actual book, however, I did find these reviews for the series. I would not go so far as to call the book hilarious, though there was some realistic humor thrown in. This was not a silly or comic read, but rather a drama with a bit of wit. Also, as the drawings were very nice, I would not call the black and white ‘vivid,’ though it did add a dimension to the book. I do think it will capture another generation and is a fun addition to the comic genre.
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Joseph 🦄😍I love this book. It is a nice book. Cute

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