Christina's Reviews > Christmas Island
Christmas Island
Ever since I read ‘Summer Island’, I’ve been waiting for this sequel and I wasn’t disappointed – it’s wonderful! I read it in one sitting and couldn’t put it down. I fell in love with that idyllic island in the summer time, but despite the horrible weather, it was just as lovely during Christmas and I so want to go there. This was in large part due to a big, grumpy Viking named Tor, with whom I fell instantly in love (despite his enormous beard!). He was tough and vulnerable in equal measures, and so very appealing. The heroine too is someone the reader can really empathise with – her humour and kind nature make that really easy. And I so enjoyed hearing about all the Norwegian Christmas traditions, many of which are very similar to the Swedish ones I grew up with. Made me feel very nostalgic for Christmases past! If you want to escape to a small island full of people with big hearts and a strong sense of community, and lose yourself in a gorgeous romance, this book is for you!
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Dec 07, 2020 04:42AM
Thank you, Christina. I'm so happy you liked it! :D